Monday, May 6, 2013

Juice feasting again!

It has been almost 2 months since my last juice feast.  I'm feeling ok. I have noticed that especially red meat has been hitting me really hard lately. I get GI distress whenever I eat it, I think that probably has something to do with losing my Galbladder a few years back. I have gained back some weight, I finished the last juice fast at 261, and got down to a low weight of 259...I'm all the way back up to 262.  It feels good to know that I can "maintain" the weight for a couple of months without any real effort, I have changed my food choices some but I do not feel deprived in any way.

I finished a half marathon on Saturday in 2:29.08 (with a 4:28 pit stop at mile 6 because I had to wait for the bathroom, so my gps says I finished in 2:24.40) I was fueled by izkiate, dates and almond butter. It was totally fun, this was the best part at the finish (Brady ran and got the first hug, then stepped back to give everyone else a turn):

So, enough back story.  Today we start the juice feast again. Heidi is going to do it with me this time.
We got a new juicer so I think it is doable to make both our juice.  The good news is we will go through the produce fast enough and won't throw much if any away, the bad news is we are going to go through a lot of produce, and the garden is not in full swing yet.

We will gather stats and post later on.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

After the feast part deaux

So a week after I have stopped juice feasting where am I?

Well I am down another 2 lbs and just shy of 4 inches.  Although that seems like a stall when I was loosing 7 lbs or more a week, I don't feel like it is.  The key for me is to not transition back into the other direction again.  I have to be sure that I have made a change in my life, a true "repentance" in the Greek sense of the word, a change of heart, and mind. There are lots of people who can stay on a diet for a month but then they start adding the lbs back on and end up bigger than they were to begin with, so I am just trying to keep things moving in the right direction.

What have I learned?
Well I thought I would learn that as soon as I added milk or vegetable protein back into my diet that I would be lethargic and sick. I thought that maybe when I added gluten back into my diet I would get sick.  Fortunately that is not what I learned.  On the contrary, I think those things actually were great. My big takeaway is that diets that thrive on large exclusions are inherently flawed. God has put everything on this earth for our good. There are people who have created healthy diets in every corner of the globe based on everything from  grains, to greens, to grubs, and everything in between, even animal blubber. Even refinement is not an evil thing, for example, yogurt, cheese, soy sauce, tempe, are all refinements that took some whole food and modified it in a reasonable way to make it more healthy, or tolerable for human consumption.

In the end I think it is more about the inclusion of foods that we know are beneficial than it is about excluding certain foods.

If I distilled it down to a mission statement, I would say:

Eat foods as close to their whole state as possible. Favor less refined alternatives over highly refined foods when they are reasonable. If you struggle to pronounce the ingredients, then be cautious.   If you can make it at home then you should. Eat as many whole foods, mostly plants, as you can on a daily basis.

Here are some specific choices I am making in my life:

  • Home made yogurt is much better than store bought, so take an hour and make a weeks supply, gogurt is not yogurt!
  • A vinaigrette can be thrown together in a few min, and is far better than store bought ranch, so is home made ranch!
  • Favor unsalted butter over hydrolyzed oil margarine.
  • Fresh squeezed juice is better than pasteurized juice that has been trucked across the country.
  • Home grown bread is better than hostess, make friends with local producers if you are going to buy instead of bake.
  • Grow veggies in your garden. Even if you start small, you've never had better tomatoes!
  • If great grandma would have recognized it as food, I can too.

These things all contribute to how we see and consume food.  I am so grateful for the help and inspiration that I have gotten on this recently. It is great to know that so many people, some of whom I have never met, are so supportive of me and my well being.

Great books that I need to write reviews for related to the topic:
In Defense of Food - Michael Pollan
Eat and Run - Scott Jurek
The healthy Green Drink Diet - Jason Manheim

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Weigh in # 4

Weight: 261 from 262: 1 lbs lost this week, 17 lbs since groundhog day (45 lbs since Thanksgiving '12)
Chest: 44 from 44.5: .5 inches lost this week, 4 inches since groundhog day.
Navel: 48 from 49  1 inches lost this week, 6 inches since groundhog day.
Hips:  39 from 40: 1 inches lost this week, 3 inches since groundhog day.

I started increasing the solid food this week, I ate dinner with the family almost every day. it feels kind of weird to eat food, and I find myself chewing an obscene amount. The big down side is that I am retaining a little water from the increased salt, and I have a lot more in my bowels (the niceset way I can think to say that).  The bad news is that I am not sleeping as well and my energy levels have reduced, having added back in some animal proteins in the form of poultry and dairy. I had hopes that by adding a little more protien I would recover a little faster from my long runs and feel a little better but I am not sure that is the case.

I will continue to start the day with a smoothie and juice if I have time (it is much more inconvenient to have to drink raw juice, and I after having the real thing, I can't go back to pasturized 10% juice beverages loaded with HFCS (I had one this week and it was foul).

Onward and upward! I need to increase my milage, I am going to isolate a few more things to see which ones really help, probably eliminating dairy again to see how that effects things.  I was really looking forward to yogurt and cheese but they may just not be in my best interest.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Weigh in #3

Weight: 262 from 265: 3 lbs lost this week, 15 lbs since groundhog day.
Chest: 44.5 from 45: .5 inches lost this week, 3.5 inches since groundhog day.
Navel: 49 from 50.25  1.25 inches lost this week, 5 inches since groundhog day.
Hips:  40 from 41: 1 inches lost this week, 2 inches since groundhog day.

Another 2.75 inches and 3 lbs lost.  That brings my total loss since thanksgiving to 44 lbs. it also makes my total inches since Jan 21st when I took my first measurements 15 inches.  
I am a little more comfortable with this rate of loss than the huge losses that started things off, because this feels sustainable.

This week has been good, no really bad cravings. I did eat a little more this week. It was Heidi and I's anniversary on Saturday so we went to Logan and I ate salami.  I felt so sick on Sunday and Monday. I also gained 3 lbs that weekend, mostly water weight from the salt intake, although I am sure that I was a little "full of it" since it took me until Wed to have a good BM.  I won't be doing that again any time soon.  I did have a soft taco last night (beans, onions, cabbage, green peppers, Guacamole, and a little chicken I couldn't pull out wrapped in a tortilla) because Emily made us a yummy dinner.  I am sure I would have been lower if it weren't for that also.

I have gotten very liberal with my eating over the last few weeks. I need to tighten things down again for my last week of the month.  Just juice and smoothies this week.  Then I will be back on food normally the next week.

on the workout front things are going very well. I have started doing pushups with Matt 4 times a week. He still schools me but fortunately for me he quits before he gets to failure point, so I can usually do the same is just way harder for me to get there.  I did not realize how much core work goes into a good pushup, and hopefully I can tighten up my moobs a little! I have increased the intensity of my running in order to not spend too much time out training and it has been a good thing. Yesterday I ran on the treadmill and did a 5k hill interval at 6mph (10 minute miles) which was the pace I was targeting for RAGNAR in June.  If it had not been a hill interval I know I could have done 8-10K which is right where I wanted to be then.  I now have hopes of surpassing my previous goals. I will reset my goals after my 10k the end of March.

Thanks to everyone for your support and encouragement.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Izkiate revisited

I finally got my Bob's Red Mill Chia seeds and there is a reason that they are cheaper than the rest :-(
I mixed up some more traditional izkiate today and it was pretty good, but not as good as last week.

1 T Chia seeds
1 T agave nectar
1 T Lemon or preferably Lime
12 - 18 oz water.

Mix it up. wait 15 min or so for the chia to gel. Enjoy!

Bob's Chia seeds did not gel like the Good Earth ones. I was able to make them gel up some, but even in just 1 T of water, they never got to the point of Frogs eggs like the other did.  Just not quite as much soluble fiber in the shell, I presume that is because either they are grown in less nutrient rich soil or conditions, or more likely they have been "washed."

I must say, although I was a bit disapointed with the seeds, the izkiate was awesome. I had one of my best training runs to date as far as pace and energy tonight.  I definitely can see that there may be something to the energy of these little babies.  More than that I find it super refreshing!  The acidity makes it hugely thirst quenching, yet it is sweet. The chewable texture also makes it very satisfying. I know that does not sound too appealing but that is the best way I can describe it. It is kind of like when you get poppy seeds in your teeth after eating a poppy seed muffin and then you can chew them for a few min, only you get that with a drink.

Izkiate has found a regular place in my diet and training.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Weigh in Day # 2

Weight: 265 from 269.2: 4.2 lbs lost
Chest: 45 from 46: 1 inches lost
Navel: 50.25 from 53: 2.75 inches lost
Hips:  41 from 42: 1 inches lost 

4.75 inches, and another 4.2 lbs lost: Not too shabby.
I started this journey at 306 lbs on thanksgiving day 2012 - so 41 lbs lost since I started being conscious of my diet and exercise!

This week was a rough week, lots of candy temptation around for Valentines day, activities like Kira's tea, etc. There was a lot of temptation, in fact I ate dinner last night...Heidi and I are going out of town for our anniversary today (that's right 20 years ago today we went on our first date) so we wanted to go spend an evening out with the kids. We decided to go to Heidi's favorite Mexican restaurant Maria Bonitas.  I ordered the vegetarian enchiladas, and except for the meat (yes I really had a big piece of carne asada in on, hahahahaha) they were amazing!!! Big pieces of multi colored peppers, onions, tomatoes all grilled together fajita style, all I can say is they were delicious. I was only able to eat about 1/3 of the portion though, I guess that is a good thing, last time we were there I would have polished them off and Kira's burrito that she wouldn't eat because of the red sauce.

So the weight loss has been slower this last week, but I am kind of happy about that. It feels like this is more realistic weight loss.  I have also been doing smoothies every day and a hand full of nuts, so perhaps I am no longer on a "juice feast" but I am just eating a more healthy, nearly raw plant based diet...since I have been a little more liberal with my food choices I also feel like this is pretty sustainable.  I ate dinner with family on Saturday and Sunday when we were together all day, and made a good vegetable based meals.

I do feel really good, and again Matt and I are the only ones who did not get the vomits this week, so that says something about how my body is liking my new diet. I have upped my pace significantly on my runs, and am now running easily for 5 min in the my old yellow zone. All in all I feel like things are going very well.  Time to keep on going.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines day, unlucky 13

Today was rough!
Work was really tough today. We had a customer system go down, at the same time that I took over for another engineer who did not include me on most of the communication so I am having to re-do some of his work. The result, I did not get my smoothie made until about 11:00 and my follow up juice was thrown together rather quickly so it was not really good. :-(

Then we had Kira's tea,  I had a sugar cookie, and soda for the first time in weeks. Those pretty eyes asking "daddy aren't you going to eat your cookie?" Who could resist? Was it worth it? Yeah, she was worth it, but the sugar crash was miserable.  I was physically ill for the next 2 hrs. I actually thought I was coming down with the flu that everyone else has had. Everyone but Matt and I were vomiting from Monday until yesterday.  We will see if I puke tonight or if it was just the sugar, but I feel better now than I did a few hrs ago.

Notes to self:

  • Eat early!
  • SUGAR BAD!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Izkiate how do I love thee.

Juice Feast Day 12
I picked up some chia seeds today (they were really expensive) because I wanted to try out izkiate. It was totally worth it.  I made some watermelon pineapple juice, added a teaspoon of chia seeds and it was fantastic.

The shell of the chia seeds kind of expand into a gell, like half set jello. It thickens the drink to a kind of frog spawn looking potion...not very appetizing.  That being said; It tasted great, and I really liked the consistency. I did experience the unusual energy and clarity about an hour after I drank the izkiate.  It wasn't the hyper feeling of an energy drink but it was definitely a pick me up.  I had another hit in my veggie juice tonight on my run and I clocked 5 k at 10:04 pace rather easily (today's run was a race pace run).  I am thoroughly impressed. I have ordered 1 more lb of chia seeds, and some more elete electrolyte water supplement  to drink it in.

Here's the rub though.  Bobs red mill chia seeds on amazon <$9.00 for 1 lb, chia seeds at good earth, $3.89 per oz.  Would I do it again? Yeah I probably would. If I could not stomach the chia slime, what would I do with the other 15.8 oz of chia seeds? So it was a good investment to try it out.  That being said, I am not buying any more chia seeds at Good Earth!

On a different note, I had someone comment on how much weight I seem to be losing (it was a guy too).  I also had to hitch my belt one loop further today (since last week). So things seem to be going well.  I feel really good. My runs have been pretty easy, no bad bonking.  I feel like if I get a twinge somewhere doing a sprint, I recover super quickly, usually the next morning I am fine.  And I am not experiencing hunger pains.  It seems that things are really good. I am really liking the plant based diet.  I  am sure I will eat meat in the future, but I will be more sparing with it than I was in the past.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Weigh in Day

Weight: 269.2 from 277: 7.8 lbs lost
Chest: 46 from 48: 2 inches lost
Navel:53 from 54: 1 inches lost
Hips: 42 from 42: 0 inches lost (this one is going to be slow going...)

3 inches and nearly 8 lbs I can't shake a stick at that.

This week was good.

Energy was good!
No significant hunger cravings!
Not a lot to report except for the total loss reported above, it was a pretty good week.
I will probably eat today, because we are having an amazing vegetarian salad with black beans. Chew well and it is not too different from eating a smoothie!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Juice Feast 2 Day 7

Today makes a week, I am excited for weigh in tomorrow, I am hoping to be under 270.  I had hoped to blog every day but I have been particularly busy.  This week, we had 3 sets of parent teacher conference, a cat die, a dog break a leg and have surgery to mend it...This has been crazy week to say the least.

I have been tempted many times to stop the fast and just go back to food with all the stress, but I stayed strong and am continuing on.

There are a few things that really help -

  • I am allowing the consumption of nuts when things get really hard. For example yesterday when I was out and about I got some nuts at the store and 1/4 cup of nuts is really satisfying.
  • Smoothies - These help keep me full in the morning and help keep things moving in my colon.
  • The whole family knows about the fast and is helping keep me honest.
  • Writing this blog - I would have to admit to all of you that I was quitting and that would be difficult.
  • I got a great book The Healthy Green Drink Diet with some great recipes for juice and smoothies that help keep things interesting without any horrible mistakes (gagging down juice because it is nasty but you can't stand the thought of wasting the produce it came from is difficult.
  • I am getting better at juicing, I am learning what my body likes and what it doesn't like. When I just listen I know what will taste good to me.
  • Heidi is Juicing with me in the mornings and afternoons - although this means making lots more juice, it is great to have someone doing it with you.
It is also notable that I have felt pretty good. This morning especially I feel really good.  I have been sleeping well, last night my hose pulled out of my mask and I did not jerk awake with an apnea episode like I used to. It wasn't until the dog needed to go out that I even woke up. I was able to get up and work with a very clear mind. I got a ton accomplished in my first hr of work today even with the kids getting ready for school.

I feel like:
  • I am leaner - this is a painless way to strip a few pounds.
  • I am clearer - My mind especially is more able to work through issues. This last week was rough, but I feel like I am more able to cope with the stress than a few months back.
  • I am more healthy - Weight aside, I have not gotten as sick as the rest of the family in the same time. When I run and get a twinge somewhere, it feels better the next day instead of lingering for 2-5 days like it did before.
I will definitely keep the Green Smoothie breakfast for many moons to come. I can feel the pendulum swinging to the other side, I am hoping that I can slow it as it comes back to find more stability and balance, instead of always leaning to one side or the other.

Looking forward to measurement day tomorrow!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Juice Feast 2 Day 3

Great energy today. I woke early about 5, the kids came down to bed so we just snigged the morning away.

Breakfast is pumkin, spinach, avocado, banana, and raspberry smoothie.  Yummy and super creamy!

Today would be a good day to show my juicing process.
First I blend up all the fruits and veggies, juicy ones on the bottom, less juicy like greens and celery on top. I add as much water as is necessary to get it to blend, just about half a cup at a time. Most days I can juice with just half a cup of water or no water if I have citrus and a cucumber on the bottom.

Then comes the pictoral fun part:
These are the strainers I used $2 at The Home Depot.  They come in a two pack. These do let a little more fiber through than real Nut Mylk bags but they are a fraction of the price, and a tiny bit of fiber is not a bad thing.

I put the strainer over a pitcher and pour in the liquid, generally four cups or less because it gets a little unmanageable with too much.  This batch is V10, in the order added to the blender: Tomato, Lemmon, Cucumber, Apple, 1/2 cup Carrots, 1/2 Onion, Celery, Spinach, 1/2 beet (amazing how so little over rides all other colors), Ginger.  I blended through the onion first, and used the celery to push everything down into the blades, once that was going I added the remaining items still using the celery as a plunger with the Spinach.  Then poured 4 cups into the strainer.
Pick up the strainer, note the juice running off is a beautiful purple from the Beet. I could just leave this for an hour or so and 75-90% of the juice would strain through but I am impatient, so I start massaging the juice ball. I have found that when it is full, milking the bottom so that the juice rises makes it come out faster (I am going to have to get a picture of that or make a video). This allows the juice to rise in the strainer, and strain from the unplugged holes above. I continue gently massaging the mass until too little juice comes from each squeeze to warrant my continued effort.
Look how much fiber is left after squeezing the juice out, not too bad considering the giant bulb that was up there just a minute ago.  Dump out the fiber into your handy dandy composter (feed it to your worms!!), and you have a bunch of juice.  at this point I usually rinse the filter before filtering the rest of the pulp from the blender, it is much easier when the pours of the filter are not all plugged up.

This is the rinsed filter. Note that it is stained green from all of the green juice. So far I have only used 1 in roughly 20 days of juicing (at least on batch of juice every day).

Not much to it, I generally spend 15 min in the morning getting my juice ready that takes me through half the day. So how much is that you ask? Well: here you see the juice from this morning, it started as about 8 cups of pulp (the blender will hold 9 if I am careful. This is a 1 gallon pitcher so from 8 cups of pulp we get just over 1/3 of a gallon of juice (I think this was right at 6 cups).

Make sure to store your juice in an air tight container, and make sure to use an acid in your juice to prevent oxidation, you can see a little foam on top of this juice. I try to drink the foamy part right away because it will start to oxidize, lose vitality and turn brown quickly.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Juice Feast 2 Day 2

I feel really good today. It is fast Sunday so I normally would fast two meals anyway.  I slept really well last night. I have good energy today.

Today's juice is citrus, pear, kale.  It is tasty, although with something so simple I would probably use spinach instead of kale in the future because the kale is a little stronger flavored.

I had to take in one more hole in my belt this morning while dressing (one benefit of only wearing a belt once a week.)

I made Chili for dinner, and did have a minute where I thought I might eat (I did taste the food to make sure it was flavored ok, but grand total I had about half a table spoon) because it smelled so good. In the end I held out, and once I had my juice the cravings left.

Bottom line:

  • I feel good
  • No significant cravings
  • No pain
  • Good energy level
All in all that feels like a success. Now on to tomorrow.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Juice Feast Part Deux 28 days.

Weight: 277
Chest: 48
Hips: 42

Groundhogs day - I am going to do it again, and again, for the next 28 days!

Ok so I am doing the juice feast again with a couple of changes:
  1. I am not going to weigh myself every day. Weigh-ins will be Saturdays in the morning.
  2. I am going to add nut mylk - I really feel like I need the little bit of good fat that comes with the nuts.
  3. I am going to do smoothies at least 1 day a week (preferably 2) because a good BM is important.
  4. Because I am doing smoothies, if there is an important meal I will eat whole plant based food (not highly refined). however this cannot happen more than 1 meal a week and should happen in conjunction with smoothie day.
  5. I will blog about how I feel and what I am consuming as well as some of my exercise activities.
This should be good times. I feel like I have a pretty good handle on what this will be like this time around, and I am looking forward to it.  Here we go through March 1st.  I expect I will not lose as fast as last time because of the modifications but I am ok with that. This is about resetting my body's desire for animal products.  I am also much smarter this time around, about what I am consuming and why. 

My Goal is to make this painless enough and still effective enough, that even Emily will try it for a week with me.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

After the feast update

Weight: 277.4

For a couple of days I did not see the weight loss as I re introduced solid food, but it has resumed again at a similar rate to the last few days of the feast.  I have remained almost meat and dairy free (I did have a small piece of lasagna Sunday with a bit of meat and cheese). For example last night we had home made spanish rice and home made refried beans with no added fat (they were awesome!) on burritos with fresh guacamole, onions, cilantro and cabbage. There might have been animal products in the tortilla, but we still have a giant stack of them for the kids quesadillas and I wasn't going to make my own just to be anal about it. I juiced the rest of the day. So, I still have a very low carb intake although it is no where near Atkins worthy. I also would not call myself vegan, but I am eating basically a whole foods plant based diet.  All of these things together are working for me. Time will be the biggest factor.

Actually the past few days as I added food again, I feel more sluggish and a little tired, but that may have to do with having a few early mornings in order to deal with a couple of east coast customers and non business hours launches, so it may not be totally related to diet.  If I am not back to 100% by Saturday I will consider juice feasting again starting on Sunday.

That being said I have had almost no cravings. We have had brownies and eclairs (thanks Holly), doughnuts, even ice cream in the house and I have not wanted any (oh wait I did have a couple of 100 calorie fruit sorbets this week...I guess I am not too strict).  I do not generally feel hungry durring the day, but when I do, I have a handfull of nuts or break out another juice.

All in all I feel like the juice feast gave my weight loss some legs and has killed my cravings for things that I should not have.  I would do it again in a heart beat. And I expect that my breakfast for many moons to come will no longer be an egg McMuffin, but a yummy juice or smoothie.

Today's workout is Tabata sprints, I am looking forward to not being able to breathe! Onward and upward (or downward in the case of my pant size).

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


My pre-juice feast blood work came back today.
All in all it's pretty good, although the HDL is low, all the other items are well in line with where they should be.

Cholesterol 163 - Less than 200 is recommended, although many studies show that less than 150 is optimal.
Triglycerides 138 - Less than 150 is recommended
LDL 104 - Less than 130 is recommended
HDL 32 - Greater than 50 is desirable :-( HDL helps clean LDL from arteries so while my LDL is in line, a higher HDL would mean that my body is more self healing.

So, What to do with these numbers?

I need to take my fish oil daily instead of sporadically - HDL is impacted by good oils especially Omega 3 fatty acids (better said increased Omega 3: Omega 6 ratio)
I need to continue to exercise - at least 30 min per day of aerobic exercise
I need to continue to lose weight - My high concentration of abdominal fat still puts me at some risk for heart disease, and decreased HDL.

So I will continue on the plan to reduce my weight and increase my exercise, getting ready for RAGNAR.  I need to be carrying a smaller me up those hills!

Currently I am doing Tabata Sprints 3 times a week and 1 long run.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Juice Feast Day 7

Weight: 278.5 loss of 12.5 lbs in 7 days

Belly:    54 loss of 1 inch
hips:      43 loss of 1 inch
Chest:   48.75 loss of .75 inches

Well I kind of made a week. Yesterday evening I got a little creative. I tried nut milk, and I juiced two cups of an amazing vegetable soup that Heidi made. I am sure that is why the tiny drop in weight yesterday, most of it is water weight because of the additional salt in the soup (broth).

I will juice today most of the day and break my fast tonight.  I am looking forward to eating again, but I will say that this has been the easiest weight loss I have ever done. I think I may do this again fairly soon. I will definitely be juicing many meals over the next few weeks.  I am thinking Juice through the day and eat sensibly with the family at night.

Reflections on the juice feast:
Quick weight loss
Good energy - Still able to run and work out
Change in taste -  The things that sound good to me have changed significantly from the time I started
Minimal investment - Produce is pretty expensive, but all told it was fairly cheap.

Not eating with my family - I had no idea how much I would miss this. It was miserable to not eat with them.
Some juices will not be good - It takes a bit to figure out what tastes good. unless you are better than me, you will have several "failed" juices.

So far I can't find any other cons...I may think of some later, but for now I feel pretty good about it.

Would I do it for 60 days like Joe Cross? Perhaps, I am going to keep that option open.  If I feel as horrible adding food back in over the next few days then I may go right back on. I want to see how much weight I add right off the bat. And how I feel. I am going to limit dairy and meat drastically for the next little bit and see how it continues with that.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Juice Feast Day 6

Weight 278.8

Woot, I am under 280! That is huge, I have not been here since I was running with Tracy nearly every day before we adopted Matt.

Today feels great. I still feel a bit of the bug that everyone has had but I have physically been much better than everyone else.  I also am not feeling hungry (although Heidi is making one of my favorite soups today, I may have to strain some and drink the broth).  I didn't even want to make juice until about 10:00 even though I had calls starting at 6:30 this morning so I had been up for 4 hrs (I did have a glass of water this morning).

I generally won't purchase tomatoes this time of year because they are so insipid, but I got a few last night and I am so glad this morning.  I made a V8 style juice for this morning:

4 Stalks Red Chard
1 cucumber
2 Celery stalks
1/4 onion
1 tooth garlic
1/2 lime
1C carrot chunks
1 apple
1 tomato
1 red bell pepper
5 hot yellow peppers (they are small)
1 avocado
1 inch ginger

It is so yummy, just a bit of back heat, it's like spicy V8 but without the salt. Delicious!!! It is not as pretty as V8 though, the mix of red and green juices again comes out a little like poo juice, not quite as dark as yesterday but here's a pic so you can get an idea:
That little floaty is a piece of ginger fiber that got through the sieve.  That happens sometimes. Ginger is strong stuff, I am glad I am removing most of that fiber.

I guess that leads me to another point, I am not doing smoothies but I don't own a juicer.  Instead I blend everything in the VitaMix super fine, then I filter it through a nut milk bag (paint strainer). It takes 3 or 4 min to do the filtering but it does mean that I am really just drinking juice instead of a smoothie or "Pre chewed veggies" as Joe Cross called it.  This also means I don't have to add as much water. I only add about 1/4-1/2 cup water to the blender and use the juicy vegetables and fruits like cucumber, apple, and lemon to get things going, then I add the harder stuff like celery, greens, ginger, carrots, etc.  The other advantage that I did not expect is that I get my pulp really dry because I press it through the strainer, so I get more juice than if I was using a juicer.

This Evening I made Tropical Green:

4 Pinapple Spears
1 apple
1 pear
1/2 inch ginger
1/2 lime
1/2 cup coconut water
4 cups spinach

This was amazing, super delicious, fruity, incredible. Now I recognize that: It could just be that my taste buds are totally broken, because of what I have been eating for 6 days, or it could be that this was really as good as it tasted to me.

Today was a good day, I feel like the energy has moved up, Both juices were super tasty. No cramping. I feel like I have turned a corner.

Excited for tomorrow I get our bountiful basket (double) which also comes with a double juice pack. I am going to be in green (perhaps brown) heaven for days!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Juice Feast day 5

Weight: 281.2

Making juice this morning, I was amazed how much I had cravings.  I wanted Chard (makes me think of Grandma Roberts), an orange, cilantro, ginger, the red apple instead of the green one, only one cucumber, and that chopped up red cabbage in the fridge.  The result, not moo juice, but poo juice. I just stared at it thinking, "I am supposed to drink that?" It looked foul, like argentine zanja (open sewer) fowl!!!! I timidly lifted my straw to my mouth...It's great!  Totally weird how my cravings turn out to be something that is really great, I guess the body knows what it needs.

I am still sick today with a runny nose and some achy, but again I feel much better than the rest of the hord. I decided not to run today because of my aches and pains.  I think today has been my hardest day.  I had my first headache today, and later in the day I was feeling a little buzzed, like I was caffeinated and not in the good way.  I checked my blood sugar and it was ok. The bad thought of the day was "five days is enough" I was really ready to bag it several times today, I had to kill about 45 min at the store while waiting for Heidi to finish an appointment and although I did not walk down the regular food isles, I was very tempted by smells and things I saw in other people's carts. I am craving corn tortillas, good refried beans, and guacamole like crazy!

I expected to get results from the doc today but don't have them yet.  I did notice today that my hunger/desire for something in my stomach started to wain today, but not the desire for something in my mouth as you saw above. I made a lot of juice for tonight (32 oz) and I still have most of it left (25 oz). Part of that is the sweetness of the afternoon juice today (the banana threw it over the top), but I think part of that was that I just didn't need to keep myself full like I did on previous days.

Here's hoping that I am turning the corner!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Juice Feast Day 4

Weight: 283

Today was rough. last night was miserable, I felt like I had the flu all night. Which apparently I did because Emily, Brayden, and Bella stayed home from school; Heidi was sick all day; and Kira was sick tonight. One thing I will say is that I felt much better than any of the other sickies in the house. I had good energy today, was a little achy but nothing horrible, and I did not get the vomits or diarrhea like everyone else.

I added a beet to my Mean green today for Heidi Khoroujnikova who is struggling with her juice fast today because of the beets her husband Mike likes in them (It's a borscht thing).

Juice was great today, I really am doing much better than the other sickies. I think this whole foods vegetarian thing has something to it. I don't know how long I might last but I am liking it right now.

Tonight's run was a treadmill run with Matt. Can I just say that I absolutely hate running on the treadmill. It should have been called trodmill or extremeboredomemill. I can't watch TV because I am not that coordinated (no I did not fall off, but almost). All I do is watch the clock count VERRRRRRRRRRRRRY SLOOOOOOOOOOOWLY.  That being said, I thought tonight would be kind of a slow plodding run anyway because I am still a little achy and have been sick all day.
3 min in I felt great so I decided to do intervals of 8 min mile pace and it was awesome, ended up with 5K including the warm up and cool down.  I did have just a tiny twinge on the outside of my left heel, which probably means I am supinating a little bit too much, I am going to go with no insole in that shoe for a few runs and see how that helps.  My left hip is 7mm below my right hip and it is always the longest leg at the chiropractor so I need to see if I can compensate for that a bit, and the insole I have been using has a tiny bit of arch support which also causes supination.

So far loving the diet, but I am only 4 days in, I haven't had that dreaded headache day yet. and I am not really feeling hungry, I think I am pretty well through the water weight so things now should be real progress.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Juice Feast Day 3

Weight: 285

I am surprised to see the significant lbs per day still I expected a few lbs of water weight but not to lose another 2 lbs.

Today is Dr. Day - They excised a sebaceous cyst on the back of my neck, I'm sure I will feel that later.
Other than that they were very up beat about my current progress and direction.  They want me to come back in 2 months for a full physical. I did have blood drawn for a full pannel of tests. They discussed different mixes of items, using fruit sparingly as necessary, etc.

So, it is a Go, and we are off to the races.
Mean Green this morning, I think still a bit too much lemon, I may peel the lemon tomorrow, but it is not bad. the flavor really grows on you.  I missed it a little this morning because I was fasting even from the juice until 10:20, for the blood work.

It was a tough day, I am aching all over wondering if I have the flu or if this is diet related.
That being said I went out for a 4 mile run tonight and only stopped because that's when I got back to the house (I ran a loop around west Lehi, not knowing how far it would be).  I settled into a rythem at about 11:30 miles that felt like I could carry it on forever...That is not fast by any means, but it is faster than I was in december for any mile (12:09) and it felt like easy pace.

Energy was not bad today, but I am ready for bed!

I need to get some pics in here so these pages aren't so boring.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Juice Feast Day 2

Weight: 287.2 (after 16 oz of juice).

I feel good, getting up this morning was not a problem.

I picked up a couple of paint strainers today and was able to "filter" the juice, and remove a fair amount of fiber. It was easy, just took a little time. I got a lot more juice than I would get from a juicer, and a very nice cake of fiber left over.

1 Beet
1 spears of Collard greens
2 cups spinach
2 C carrots
1 bannana
2 apples
1 cucumber (lots of juice)
1 Grapefruit
1 Orange

Very earthy, but it is really tasty. The beet is pretty sweet, the only downside is that it is bright purple and stains everything. I guess the green would stain things too so I have not lost much.

Everyone else had a hard time stomaching the beet.

Today was good I feel good, I drank about 32 oz of juice today.  Had a twinge of a headache in the evening. Energy was great until about 10:00. We had a family night and watched a movie, and then had to get the kids to bed quick, and then I crashed...good since I have to be up at 6:00 am so I need the sleep.

Dinner was the kind of thing I would love, Tater Tot Caserole. I expected it to be harder than it was but I sat at the table and we talked like normal. It looked really good but I was not dying to eat it. I felt like I had a lot of control over myself.

Finished the day with a desert juice,
2 apples
1.5 C carrots
2 inches of ginger...
Oh it was soooooooo good. Great for relaxing and watching the movie with the kids.

Nice day 2, no big pains, I expected it to be worse than it was so I feel like I am ahead of the game.

Juice Feast Day 1

Weight: 291
Belly:    55
hips:      44
Chest:   49.5

4 Spears Black Kale
1 Green apple
1 Bunch Grapes
1 Banana
1 Navel orange
1/2 cup blackberries
1 grapefruit
1 celery stalk (blend-able plunger)
1 vita coco (I will have to find a way to get away from this Pasteurized coconut water but I just bought a case of it and I needed some more fluid).
Yield 7.5 cups

Black kale - that was too much kale. The kale is a little bitter and it adds a ton of fiber to the juice. On the one hand that is good news since kale is expensive at $2.53 a bunch (that was just over half a bunch). The spinach from yesterday's trial smoothie was better and since a big bag of spinach is the same prie
Consistency is pretty thick and the seeds from the blackberries are pretty notable.
Grapefruit is a little bitter too (I sliced it and didn't get all the pith)
Actually it's not bad, but I can imagine if this is all I drank for the next 60 days I would want to kill someone by the end.

At the end of the day I feed pretty good. Not as hungry as I thought I would feel. Can I keep it up for a week, or more? We will see.

It's a new year...a little late

The universe has combined to drive me toward a juice feast.  I signed up for RAGNAR. Yes I am a masochist! As a result I have started monitoring my food intake, and exercising (swimming, cycling and yes running). I have also been devouring as much data as I can about how to train, and run endurance races. I am actually having lots of fun with this. Now you are asking yourself, what does this have to do with a juice feast?

Thursday my friends at Audible had a sale on 100 audio books, and in the list I found Finding Ultra by Rich Roll. In it I was impressed by his Vegan diet transformation. I was inspired by a 40 year old man who transformed himself in 2 years into an ultra marathoner, an Iron man and one of two to complete the first Epic 5 Challenge ( I actually started listening to the book after eating at Tucanos. Afterword I did not feel great, and a vegan diet sounded pretty good. So I started considering trying a vegan diet for a while.

Then I bought Scott Jurek's book Eat and Run about him becoming an unlikely ultra marathon powerhouse on a vegan diet.  Haven't finished the book yet but I will write a review in the next week or so.  Vegan push number 2...

Then I got on Face Book last night and read that my cousin Heidi is on day 12 of a Juice Fast after watching the movie Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. I jumped online and thought I would add it to my Netflix queue...but it was already there. Apparently my beautiful wife added it to our queue because her friend and fellow wonder woman is trying the juice fast. Today we watched the movie and I was impressed, first by Joe Cross and his story, but even more with Phillip's story (you'll just have to watch it to find out).  Here was push number 3 for a vegan diet...

So, although I will be baking bread still for the kids, and Heidi (at least for a week or so before I convince her to join me). I am going to embark on the juice feast, no solid food, only juice and water for the next two weeks as a cleansing fast. I expect the first several days to be tough. Then I will evaluate if I want to continue to 30 days. If I make it to 30 days, then I will evaluate if I should continue the 60 days like Joe does in the documentary.  Tuesday morning I am meeting with the Doctor (again, I met with him before I started the first of December...), and will have my blood work done and hopefully a few more tests.

Will I be vegan the rest of my life? Probably not, but I will be for the next few weeks, and possibly a stint after that. I will let you know how it goes. Wish me well!!!!