Tuesday, January 29, 2013


My pre-juice feast blood work came back today.
All in all it's pretty good, although the HDL is low, all the other items are well in line with where they should be.

Cholesterol 163 - Less than 200 is recommended, although many studies show that less than 150 is optimal.
Triglycerides 138 - Less than 150 is recommended
LDL 104 - Less than 130 is recommended
HDL 32 - Greater than 50 is desirable :-( HDL helps clean LDL from arteries so while my LDL is in line, a higher HDL would mean that my body is more self healing.

So, What to do with these numbers?

I need to take my fish oil daily instead of sporadically - HDL is impacted by good oils especially Omega 3 fatty acids (better said increased Omega 3: Omega 6 ratio)
I need to continue to exercise - at least 30 min per day of aerobic exercise
I need to continue to lose weight - My high concentration of abdominal fat still puts me at some risk for heart disease, and decreased HDL.

So I will continue on the plan to reduce my weight and increase my exercise, getting ready for RAGNAR.  I need to be carrying a smaller me up those hills!

Currently I am doing Tabata Sprints 3 times a week and 1 long run.

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