Monday, May 6, 2013

Juice feasting again!

It has been almost 2 months since my last juice feast.  I'm feeling ok. I have noticed that especially red meat has been hitting me really hard lately. I get GI distress whenever I eat it, I think that probably has something to do with losing my Galbladder a few years back. I have gained back some weight, I finished the last juice fast at 261, and got down to a low weight of 259...I'm all the way back up to 262.  It feels good to know that I can "maintain" the weight for a couple of months without any real effort, I have changed my food choices some but I do not feel deprived in any way.

I finished a half marathon on Saturday in 2:29.08 (with a 4:28 pit stop at mile 6 because I had to wait for the bathroom, so my gps says I finished in 2:24.40) I was fueled by izkiate, dates and almond butter. It was totally fun, this was the best part at the finish (Brady ran and got the first hug, then stepped back to give everyone else a turn):

So, enough back story.  Today we start the juice feast again. Heidi is going to do it with me this time.
We got a new juicer so I think it is doable to make both our juice.  The good news is we will go through the produce fast enough and won't throw much if any away, the bad news is we are going to go through a lot of produce, and the garden is not in full swing yet.

We will gather stats and post later on.